New Research Article from Jeanine Arana, Stephen Meyers, and Wenjing Guan – HLA Happenings

New Research Article from Jeanine Arana, Stephen Meyers, and Wenjing Guan


Harvested pumpkins stacked up in a field.

A research article from the HLA Specialty Crop Weed Science Lab is available ahead-of-print in Weed Technology. The article features work from Jeanine Arana’s masters thesis with HLA co-authors Stephen Meyers and Wenjing Guan, as well as Bill Johnson (Botany and Plant Pathology).

Dose-response of two Jack O’Lantern pumpkin cultivars to fomesafen applied preemergence. Jeanine Arana, Stephen L. Meyers, William Johnson, and Wenjing Guan.

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