Purdue Turf Students Compete in STMA Student Challenge/Quiz Bowl – HLA Happenings

Purdue Turf Students Compete in STMA Student Challenge/Quiz Bowl

​Members of the Turf Science Program
attended the Annual Sports Turf Managers of America (STMA) meeting in Denver
Colorado.  During the conference a team of four Turf Science students
(Andrew Marking, Matt Dudley, Cam Rice and Matt Hession) competed
in the STMA Student Challenge/Quiz Bowl competition where they placed 4th
out of 30 teams from students enrolled in 4-year programs. The competition was
won by team members from the University of Maryland. In addition, Mr.
Joey Stevenson
, an alum of the Turf Science Program, was awarded Major
League Baseball Field of the Year in his division (3A-baseball). This is the
third time in four years that Joey has earned that honor for his efforts in
providing outstanding playing conditions at Victory Field in Indianapolis.

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