Rachael Herring Placed in 2024 Undergraduate Research Conference – HLA Happenings

Rachael Herring Placed in 2024 Undergraduate Research Conference

First page of Rachael Herring's Project

One of design ideas of Rachael Herring.

Rachael Herring, a senior in landscape architecture, received 2nd place in the College of Agriculture for her research poster at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Conference. The poster, titled “Restoring Ecology to a Natural Community Retreat at Dune Harbor Park Status,” features her community engagement research to support her senior Capstone design project in Muskegon, Michigan. The project, mentored by Dr. Aaron Thompson (HLA) and Patrick Lydon (National Parks Service), focuses on the transformation of a former sand quarry into Dune Harbor Park, presents a unique opportunity to restore over 300 acres of diverse ecosystems along Lake Michigan coast while providing a peaceful retreat for the community. The park’s design integrates trails, overlooks, a kayak launch, a rain garden, a community pavilion, improved facilities, and Lake Michigan access, offering a range of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike.

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