This Week at the Purdue Student Farm – HLA Happenings

This Week at the Purdue Student Farm

Catapillar on a stem.

We are at the official halfway point of the CSA this year!

With the 3-day weekend, it’s a bit difficult to compress the usual week update into 2 days and change, so bear with me folks! Meigs, one of our fellow research farms, is gearing up for the Mechanical Weed Control conference on the 11th (I’m sure some of you receiving this email will be in attendance!), so we’ve been lending a hand or two getting things in order. Chris and I spent most of Tuesday planting innumerable baby kale seedlings, with that being my first time using a water wheel – once you get past the initial hurdle of being summarily mediocre with your first row or two, it actually starts to be pretty fun. And while we may have a false sense of security for seedlings that get planted out at the student farm with our deer fence, Meigs is large enough that you have to get a bit creative when it comes to countermeasures.

large tote of potatoes

Among other news, our 16 odd rows of potatoes are making their way out of the ground, and yesterday alone, Chris and the class harvested approximately 1000 lbs (7 of the rows). Chipping away at harvesting and general maintenance has taken up the majority of happenings out here.

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