This Week On the Farm – HLA Happenings

This Week On the Farm

Nellie holding rootball of honey suckle.

The farm is doing really well, tomatoes are looking especially good. We weeded, moved the bee fence, replaced some of the eggplants that the rabbits ate, and started removing invasive honeysuckle from the Northern wood line. We spent most of Monday mulching the grape tunnel and urban garden. I enjoyed learning how to drive the tractor to move the mulch and hacking invasives out of the wood line has been a nice break from the heat. We scouted multiple crops for pests and had almost nothing to report which is a great sign. Nellie Waltherly (Biology) is holding the root ball of a honeysuckle that she hacked out with a pick axe for over 30 minutes. We are proud of her accomplishments.

Crops in raised beds

Row of crops in an opened hoophouse

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Page last modified: June 14, 2024

HLA Happenings - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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