Turfgrass Graduate Students Presented at Crop Science Society Meeting – HLA Happenings

Turfgrass Graduate Students Presented at Crop Science Society Meeting

Antonio Verzotto and Vera Vukovic at the Crop Science Society Meeting.

HLA graduate students Stephen Campbell (Bigelow Lab), Antonio Verzotto (Bigelow Lab), ****and Vera Vukovic (Patton Lab), presented at the annual Crop Science Society of America as a part of last week’s 2023 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting in St. Louis last week.

Stephen Campbell presented a poster, “Assessing interest and needs of Indiana High School Ag teachers for a turfgrass curriculum”.

Antonio Verzotto standing in front of his research poster.

Antonio Verzotto had an oral presentation, “Cool season supplemental lawn irrigation: Does application frequency matter?” and a poster, “Cool-season species response to four lawn irrigation programs in the Midwest”. Antonio earned first place for his poster in one of the Turfgrass Science Division graduate student poster competitions.

Vera Vukovic standing in next to her research poster.

Vera Vukovic’s poster “Stratification of Glyphosate Resistant Annual Bluegrass in Soil” earned second place in the Turfgrass Science Division graduate student poster competitions.

Congratulations on their effort and representing our program!

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Page last modified: November 10, 2023

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