Update from the Purdue Student Farm – HLA Happenings

Update from the Purdue Student Farm

Chris Adair and student interns taking honey from a hive.

The early season has been very kind to the farm with nice temperatures and lots of rain! This has led to quick crop growth around the whole site with the onions looking particularly good this year. Many other crops including the kales, swiss chard, and collards have grown well enough to begin some early light harvesting which is important to keep the plants from becoming complacent. Most areas around the farm are fully planted as we have moved through the bulk of the early season and begin focusing on weeding, trellising, beekeeping, and fighting our ever-present nemesis the rabbit. All of this work would not be able to happen without the fantastic student interns that are working at the farm this year, many students are returning but we are all excited to welcome a few new faces. The following are the students at the farm this year: Nellie Waltherly (Biology), Mason Naval (SFS), Jane Pickey (SFS), Kennedy Jean (SFS), Faith Hartman (SFS), Emily Earnshaw (SFS), Ren Rund (SFS), Dylan Triddle (FNR), and Raffi Lindsay (High School).

With the early season mostly behind us we look towards the end of this month which is the start of the yearly Boilermaker Vegetable Season Pass. We are really excited and look forward to the start of the program on June 28th but we still have some available spots left. If you or someone you know is looking for a steady supply of fresh vegetables this season please consider supporting the Student Farm!

Chris Adair and a student intern wearing bee suits.

Two student interns wearing bee suits.

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