Visit the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Booth at the Indiana State Fair – HLA Happenings

Visit the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Booth at the Indiana State Fair

John Orick and Karen Mitchell standing inside the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Plant Info to Go Booth.

John Orick, Karen Mitchell, and Pam Fisher traveled to Indianapolis to set up the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Plant Info to Go Booth at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Master Gardener Volunteers will be on hand to answer lawn and garden questions, provide information about the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program, and challenge fair attendees with their lawn weed knowledge. If you are at the fair, please visit the booth in the Purdue Extension Building (formerly the Farm Bureau Building) during the Indiana State Fair, July 28-August 20.

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Page last modified: July 28, 2023

HLA Happenings - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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