Wenjing Guan and Liz Maynard Organized Workshop – HLA Happenings

Wenjing Guan and Liz Maynard Organized Workshop

Attendees listening to a presentation outdoors.

The “Irrigation Workshop for Small-Scale Producers” took place on September 4 at the Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center. This event is part of an ISDA, Indiana Specialty Crop Block Grant project led by Wenjing Guan and Liz Maynard. Co-hosted by Purdue Extension, NRCS, and Urban Soil Health, speakers included Cara Bergschneider, NRCS State Urban and Small-Scale Conservationist; Scott Wagner, NRCS State Agricultural Engineer; Dean Haseman, Technician; Silas Henry Buchanan, HLA graduate student; and project leaders Wenjing Guan and Liz Maynard.

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