Yiwei Huang’s Co-Authored New Book Is Available for Pre-Order – HLA Happenings

Yiwei Huang’s Co-Authored New Book Is Available for Pre-Order

Front cover of Yiwei Huang's new book

Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang‘s book Outdoor Environments for People: Considering Human Factors in Landscape Design is available for pre-order. Outdoor Environments for People addresses the everyday human behavior in outdoor built environments and explains how designers can learn about and incorporate their knowledge into places they help to create. Bridging research and practice, and drawing from disciplines such as environmental psychology, cultural geography, and sociology, the book provides an overview of theories, such as personal space, territoriality, privacy, and place attachment, that are explored in the context of outdoor environments and, in particular, the landscape architecture profession. Authors share the impact that place design can have on individuals and communities with regard to health, safety, and belonging.

This book was written collaboratively by three authors, Professor Patsy Owens from the University of California Davis, Professor Jayoung Koo from the University of Kentucky, and Yiwei Huang from Purdue University. It is a five-year effort, from 2018 to 2023. The e-book can be purchased through Google Play, and the physical copy (and eBook) can be pre-ordered on Amazon. The official book flyer from Routledge is here (the date for pre-order through Routledge is set to be on August 10th, while the official publication date will be August 31st).

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Page last modified: July 21, 2023

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