Congratulations to Cale Bigelow for receiving the William Daniel Award on January 19 at the Sports Field Management Association (SFMA) Conference. Named for one of the four founders of SFMA, Dr. William Daniel set the pattern for educator/researcher involvement in SFMA. The partnership between educators and researchers and the sports turf managers who incorporate these advances[Read More…]
Camila Ulloa (MS/Torres’ Lab) will give a virtual seminar at the Iowa State University’s Horticulture Department on Jan 23rd from 4:15 – 5:15 PM (Central Time). She will present “Characterizing the U.S. Salad Mixes Market: Environmental footprint attributes”. These seminars are primarily attended by faculty and students but are open to the public and Master Gardener groups[Read More…]
Dr. Kurt Ristroph, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University Thursday January 26th, at 3:30pm, HORT 117 or Zoom “Organic nanocarrier formulations for improved uptake and translocation of agrochemicals following foliar administration” Abstract: Foliar administration of bioactive agents to plants is a highly desirable but historically inefficient method of promoting agrochemical internalization or[Read More…]
Our team Split Happens played against The Purdudes Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 18 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won all 8 points, placing our team in 6thplace. In the Women’s Category, Alexandra Jewell placed 1st scratch game scoring a 217 and scratch series scoring a 543. She[Read More…]
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