Celia Corado is a new visiting scholar in the Meyers’ weed science lab. She was born and raised in Honduras, where she obtained her bachelor’s in Agronomy from the National University of Agriculture UNAG. Her main interest is in Horticulture production. Her short-term goal is to learn everything related to weed management as well as[Read More…]
Research in the Hirst lab by former students has recently been published: “Fruit Growth and Development in Apple: A Molecular, Genomic and Epigenetics Perspective”, by Khalil Jahed and Peter Hirst, published in “Frontiers in Plant Science-Functional and Applied Plant Genomics”. “Flowering in ‘Honeycrisp’ Apple Shows That Spurs Are Semiautonomous Organs” by Mokhles Elsysy and Peter[Read More…]
Camila Ulloa (Torres Lab) received a $400 travel grant from Purdue’s Institute for a Sustainable Future. The grant is for her presentation, “Characterizing the U.S. Salad Mixes Market Environmental Footprint Claims,” at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association meeting in June 2023. ISF promotes collaborative research that advances understanding of persistent global sustainability challenges.[Read More…]
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