After the Small Farm Field Day last week the IMPACT^2 Team met with a group of small farmers and Extension educators to pilot two serious games. These games help farmers and educators think through the impacts of climate change on agriculture and what management strategies they can use to help mitigate those impacts. HLA folks[Read More…]
On Wednesday John Orick, Karen Mitchell, and Pam Fisher traveled to Indianapolis to prepare the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Plant Info to Go Booth at the Indiana State Fair. Purdue Extension Master Gardener volunteers from across the state will staff the booth to help answer any gardening and lawn care questions from fair patrons and[Read More…]
Ashley Adair wrote an article for the Flanagan State Bank Specialty Growers Ag Newsletter entitled “Raw Manure, Raw Produce – New Research at Purdue to Investigate Crop-Livestock Integration and Produce Safety” featuring Moriah Bilenky’s integrated crop-livestock study with poultry and sheep. FSB is a bank in central Illinois that specializes in ag lending and has a strong history[Read More…]
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