Current Projects – Horticulture Business

Current Projects


Hortcalculator is an innovative online tool designed to empower leafy green growers with data-driven financial decisions. It streamlines recordkeeping with a TurboTax-like format and enhances financial literacy through workshops and webinars, offering in-depth profitability, breakeven, and ROI analyses. The tool helps assess the economic feasibility of adopting integrated pest management strategies, promoting smarter investments. Additionally, it supports growers in setting profitable pricing strategies based on breakeven analyses, ultimately boosting market access and improving long-term financial outcomes for their farms.

Hoosier Food Market

Faculty and staff from the Purdue College of Agriculture teamed up with Microsoft in a collaboration to provide a free online virtual marketplace where growers can make their own individual shops to sell their products and market masters can work with their growers to offer consumers the same goods they offered at their markets before, but just online.

Adoption of drying technologies for apricots in Tajikistan

The overall goal of this project is to determine the economics and market for on-farm drying of specialty plants using solar dehydrators by small growers in Tajikistan. The project is funded by USAID Horticulture Innovation Lab.

Funding: USAID Horticulture Innovation Lab


Adoption of value-added technologies for specialty crops in the US

The overall goal of this project is to determine the economics and market for on-farm drying of specialty crops using solar dehydrators by small growers in the US. We conducted an online survey of specialty crop growers in 2019. We are interested to understand how value-added technologies influence farm economic performance, who are the adopters, and what drives them to be successful.

Funding: USDA NIFA


Organic Agriculture

We are interested to know what and how market channels affect farmer's decision to adopt organic certification. We are also investigating the main drivers of decertification. Specifically, we want to answer why organic certified farmers may drop the certification program?

Another organic project looks at the market grade standards for organic grains. We surveyed buyers of organic grains in the US to investigate the market opportunities for major and small organic grains



Farmers' Market Price Data

Farmers and farmer’s markets have access to weekly prices and product availability to begin making decisions based on real-time information. We will use this database to create reports that will have an impact on small- and medium-size farmers as well as beginning farmers. Farmers using our reports will be able to select market channels for their products, understand competition in farmer’s markets, determine the market window for specific crops, and assess how prices change over time in various markets.We are collaborating with the Center for Crop Diversification (CCD) to create a regional database of farmers' market and produce auction prices.

Funding: Purdue AgSEED, Indiana Vegetable Growers Association


Financial Calculators

We are compiling and creating enterprise budgets that farmers can use for planning their operations, evaluate the potential of technologies and crops, develop solid business plan, and apply for financing or grants. Our calculator also includes feasibility, break-even, and cost structure analyses.

Funding: Purdue AgSEED, NCR-SARE, SCBG program Indiana


Consumer preferences for melons

Funding: Purdue AgSEED, NCR-SARE


Economic approaches to sustainable mint production

Funding: NCR-SARE


Market and economic feasibility of low-input sod varieties

Funding: Specialty Crop Block Grant Indiana

Economic feasibility of IPM practices for hemp

Funding: Purdue AGSEED


Center of Excellence in Agriculture Egypt

Funding: USAID

Page last modified: November 6, 2024

Horticulture Business - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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