Publication Updates – Extension Master Gardener Program

Publication Updates

Purdue publications are updated throughout the year. In order to allow Purdue Master Gardeners to keep their notebooks up-to-date, we will periodically post notices of these publication revisions/reviews on this web site. Please feel free to pass the information along to others in your county program.

If you have any questions, please contact

September 2014

MG-5-W — Purdue Master Gardener Program Policy Guide (New 9/2014)

August 2014

FNR-492-W — Mechanical Damage to Trees: Mowing and Maintenance Equipment  (New 82014)

June 2014

FNR-489-W — Indiana’s Urban Woodlots (New 6/2014)

December 2013

BP-124-W — Turfgrass Disease Profiles: Turf Disease Identification (New 12/2013)

November 2013

FNR-484-W — Winterize Your Trees (New 11/2013)

October 2013

FNR-483-W — Drought? Don’t forget the trees!  (New 10/2013)

August 2013

AY-22-W — Turfgrass Management: Fertilizing Established Cool-season Lawns (revision 8/2013)

FNR-479-APP — Fifty Trees of the Midwest App for iPhone (New 8/2013)

July 2013

FNR-481-W Mile-a-minute Vine (New 7/2013)

October 2012

FNR-FAQ-18-W Trees Need a Proper Start-Plant Them Right (Deleted 10/12)

Misc. Poison Hemlock The Toxic Parsnip (Replaced by FNR-437-W)

FNR-437-W Poison Hemlock (Added 7/12)

FNR-474-W Graffiti Removal From Trees (Added 10/12)

Turfgrass Disease Profiles: Powdery (Revised 6/12)

Turfgrass Disease Profiles: Slime Molds (Revised 2/12)

April 2012

Vegetable Diseases: Five Steps for Healthy Garden Tomatoes (New 5/12)

FNR-FAQ-11-W Why is My Tree Dying? (Revised 3/12)

FNR-463-W Construction and Trees: Guidelines for Protection (New 3/12)

March 2012

ID-146 Managing Pests in the Home Fruit Planting (Revised 3/12)

AY-28-W.pdf Turfgrass Management: Establishing a Lawn From Sod (Revised 2/12)

BP-111-W Turfgrass Disease Profiles: Powdery Mildew (Revised 2/12)

BP-112-W Turfgrass Disease Profiles: Slime Molds (Revised 2/12)

ID-477-W Stress-related Conifer Dieback (Revised 2/12)

January 2012

Notebook/Flash drive Updates 2012 Editon

Table of Contents 2012 Edition (Revised 10/11)

Soils and Plant Nutrition

PPDL-4 Laboratories that do Soil Testing (Revised)

Pesticide Safety/Pesticide Alternatives

PPP-53 Children and Poisoning – Seconds Matter (Revised)

DW-10 Driftwatch: Watch Our for Grapes (New)

Plant Diseases

BP-180-W Vegetable Diseases: Anthracnose of Cucumber, Muskmelon, and Watermelon (New)

BP-181-W Pythium Root Rot of Herbaceous Plants (New)

BP-182-W Would You Eat This Apple (New)


E-11 Mimosa Webworm (Revised)

E-21 Managing Insects in the Home Vegetable Garden (Revised)

E-22 Ants (Revised)

E-23 Cockroaches (Revised)

E-24 Boxelder Bugs (Revised)

E-25 The Elm Leaf Beetle (Revised)

E-26 Mosquitoes in and Around the Home (Revised)

E-27 Bagworms (Revised)

E-29 Scale Insects on Shade Trees and Shrubs (Revised)

E-33 Managing Insect Pests of Nut Trees (Revised)

E-34 Chiggers and Their Control (Revised)

E-40 Managing the Zimmerman Pine Moth (Revised)

E-42 Spider Mites on Ornamentals (Revised)

E-44 Social Bees and Wasps (Revised)

E-45 Slugs In Homes, Gardens, and Greenhouses (Revised)

E-47 Periodical Cicada In Indiana (Revised)

E-50 Bronze Birch Borer (Revised)

E-53 Protecting Honey Bees from Pesticides (Revised)

E-55 Millipedes, Sowbugs, and Pillbugs (Revised)

E-56 Galls on Shade Trees and Shrubs (Revised)

E-61 Turf Insect Management (Revised)

E-63 Solitary Bees and Wasps: Carpenter Bee, Cicada Killer and Mud Daubers (Revised)

E-70 Flower Garden Pests (Revised)

E-72 Spiders (Revised)

E-74 Flea Beetles (Revised)

E-75 Japanese Beetles in the Urban Landscape (Revised)

E-92 Common Natural Enemies (Revised)

E-96 Managing Insect Pests of Potato (Revised)

E-97 Managing Insect Pests on Fresh Market Tomatoes (Revised)

E-100 Squash Beetle on Cucurbits (Revised)

E-110 Western Flower Thrips (Revised)

E-111 Fungus Gnats and Shore Flies (Revised)

E-214 Asian Lady Beetle (Revised)

E-221 Home Landscape and Nursery Insecticides (Revised)

E-255 Fall Webworm (Revised)

E-256 Borers of Pines and Other Needle Bearing Evergreens in Landscapes (Revised)

E-259 New White Grub Pests of Indiana (New)

E-260 How to Minimize Pesticide Damage of Honey Bees (Revised)

Woody Ornamentals

FNR-422-W Selecting an Indiana-Grown Christmas Tree (New)

FNR-423-W Tips for First-Time Buyers of Real Christmas Trees (New)

FNR-433-W Tree Installation: Process and Practices (New)


BP-109-W Pythium Blight (Revised)

BP-125-W Seasonal Activity of Turfgrass Pathogens in the Midwest (New)


Misc. Basic Concepts in Plant Pathology (Revised)

Misc. Conifer Dieback (Revised)

Misc. Selected Reference Materials for Plant Disease Diagnosis (Revised)

Misc. Homeowner’s Guide to Suspected Imprelis Herbicide Injury (New)

Page last modified: February 18, 2025

Extension Master Gardener Program - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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