Interseeding into Pumpkins for Fall Forage
There is potential to plant cover crops between rows of pumpkins in the summer that can then be grazed in the fall. This trial will evaluate cover crops that might be suitable for this.
Screening Brassica Greens for Bolting
Harvest period and yield of spring planted brassica greens crops are sometimes limited by flowering and bolting of the crop. This trial will evaluate a variety of crops/cultivars to determine how planting date and use of row cover influence flowering and bolting.
Managing Soil Fertility in High Tunnels
This project will demonstrate how different amendments, composts, and fertilizers influence soil characteristics, crop performance, and pest pressure in summer high tunnel vegetable production.
Diverse Corn Belt (#DCB)
A five-year, multi-disciplinary research project exploring opportunities beyond corn and soybeans and investigating the real-world impacts of diversified farming systems. With more than 30 research partners, we are seeking concrete options for diversification and understanding the agronomic, economic, social, infrastructure and policy changes that could make them viable. Funded by USDA NIFA. (2022-)
Improving Drip Irrigation Management for Vegetable and Melon Production in Indiana
Collaboration with project leader Dr. Wenjing Guan. Demonstrations of drip irrigation system components, soil wetting patterns, and irrigation scheduling based on evapotranspiration records and soil moisture sensors will be featured at Pinney Purdue. Funded by USDA AMS / ISDA. (2022)
No-Till Pumpkin and Sweet Corn after Winter Rye Cover Crop
Demonstration of no-till systems for pumpkin and sweet corn following winter rye. Evaluation of different closing wheels on planter. (2020-2023)
Improving Two-spotted Spider Mite Management in High Tunnel Cucumber Production
Collaboration with lead investigator Dr. Laura Ingwell and Ph.D. candidate Leslie Aviles Lopez to investigate cucumber variety tolerance to two-spotted spider mites and effectiveness of biorational miticides. Funded by USDA SARE. (2021-2022)
Healthy Transplants for Healthy Crops: Developing a Protocol for Organic Transplant Production
With Dr. Lori Hoagland, Dr. Petrus Langenhoven, and Dr. Wenjing Guan we will evaluate commercially-available and locally-produced growing media made from composted organic waste and conventional media components, and identify the media qualities necessary to produce the best vegetable transplants for use in organic vegetable farming. Funded by USDA AMS. (2018-2021)
- Organic growing media: How can it affect the health of my transplants?
slides from 12/2/2020 presentation at eOrganic
Cucumber Variety Trial
As part of Dr. Wenjing Guan’s project “Improving Seedless Cucumber Production to Diversify High Tunnel Crops in the North Central Region” 16 seedless cucumber varieties are compared for production in a high tunnel. Funded by USDA SARE. (2018)
- Parthenocarpic cucumber cultivar evaluation in high-tunnel production., HortTechnology paper.
- Trial images
Planting Date Influence on Yield and Growth of Crops for Winter Production in High Tunnels
We are documenting growth and yield of lettuce, spinach, kale, and other crops, planted from late summer to late winter in high tunnels. Combined with with records of environmental conditions in the structures this will lead to improved recommendations for planting schedules. Trials are conducted using organic practices in one high tunnel and conventional practices in a second high tunnel. Funded in part by USDA AMS. (2012-2017)
Tomato Production Practices in High Tunnels
A series of trials addresses questions that arise as tomato production moves from field to high tunnels. These include support and pruning practices for indeterminate and semi-determinate varieties; variety comparisons; and preliminary trials on potassium fertilization and irrigation frequency. Trials are conducted using organic practices in one high tunnel and conventional practices in a second high tunnel. Funded in part by USDA AMS and also supported by seed companies. (2013-2017)
Specialty Crops and High Tunnels: Evaluating Success and Building Future Capacity
With Drs. James Farmer and Analena Bruce at Indiana University, this project included a survey of Indiana high tunnel producers to learn about their experiences and practices, as well as some of the production research listed here. Funded by USDA AMS. (2016-2018)
Scheduling Vegetable Planting for Winter Protected Production in the Midwest
In this project we collected environmental data and information on planting and harvest dates on three Indiana farms to use in developing recommendations for planting schedules for high tunnel crops harvested in late fall and winter. Funded by USDA SARE. (2015-2018)
Variety Trials
Variety trials provide growers, plant breeders, and seed distributors comparative information on yield, quality, time to harvest, plant characteristics, and in some cases disease resistance. The Midwest Vegetable Trial Report Series is a compilation of reports from Land Grant Universities.