Teaching – Dr. Patton Lab


Dr. Patton integrates his applied research program and his experience working with clientele in his Extension program to prepare undergraduate students for real-life challenges in the capstone course he teaches each fall.

AGRY/HORT 51200 (Purdue University) - Integrated Turfgrass Systems (3 Credits). This capstone course is taught with units on different turf systems including lawns, athletic fields, and golf courses. Students develop management plans and budgets for real-world locations and learn through hands-on evaluations and problem-solving exercises. The course emphasizes higher order skills where students analyze, evaluate, and create agronomic plans using both independent and group work. Students also evaluate the social, ethical, and economic factors that impact agronomic management decisions. Students interact with industry leaders throughout the curriculum as industry leaders are used to help critique assignments. In their capstone assignment, students presented recommendations to the board of directors for a local golf course on capital improvement project ideas requested by the golf course.


2012-08-27 16.44.51
2012-09-28 05.15.08

Page last modified: February 9, 2021

Dr. Patton Lab - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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