Site 7 – Responding to the Site’s Features

Not richly endowed by nature with varied scenery, the grounds have been admirably handled and developed by art. This, of course, has been largely due to the good taste and judgment of the two Chisletts, father and son, superintendents, but it has also been greatly aided by the intelligent policy of the managers and their strict adherence to carefully considered rules. Excellent judgment has been used in handling the natural growth of trees, both undergrowth and larger trees, and in the choice and care of those planted. The result is a sylvan growth which affords many beautiful vistas and skylines and which will grow more and more beautiful for a long time to come. Patrons of the cemetery are to be congratulated that it has been the policy of the managers and superintendent to treat the grounds as a whole and not allow one part to be ostentatiously improved or beautified to the detriment or disadvantage of another. Trees are most pleasing when they are left to grow in a natural way and are not trimmed into conventional shapes. In Crown Hill cemetery trees are given a chance to grow as nature lovers and as birds would have them, and so each contributes to the general effect.