Home - Purdue Student Farm

The 2024 Purdue Boilermaker Vegetable Season Pass Is Full.

Enjoy  Your Fresh Produce!

The Purdue Student Farm

The Purdue Student Farm is a small, sustainable farm managed by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture (HLA). The Student Farm is the outdoor lab for the Sustainable Food and Farming Systems major in HLA and is located near the Kampen Golf Course and Daniel Turf Center off Cherry Lane. We grow beautiful vegetables and herbs using the principles that naturally govern balanced ecosystems. We also emphasize the education of our undergraduate students through sustainable farming methods. Our educational work is all about food:

• How food can be grown effectively on a small scale
• How food can and should be marketed for profit
• How food utilization can affect the farmer and community
• How food intersects with the economy and the environment

The day-to-day farm operations are managed by several student groups: those enrolled in the "Small Farms Experience" courses, volunteers involved in the Purdue Student Farm Organization, part-time undergraduate interns, and full-time undergraduate summer interns. The farm manager, Chris Adair and Director Petrus Langenhoven provide guidance to the student workers in order to further their education. As a functioning enterprise, our harvest is dispersed in three different ways:

• Through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program (Boilermaker Vegetable Season Pass)
• Commercially to Purdue University Dining Halls
• Donations to community food pantries

If you are interested in joining our work or purchasing our food, contact us for more information. We welcome everyone!