Rosie Lerner

Creeping Charlie in the Garden
Creeping Charlie has square stems with opposite leaves. Photo Credit: Dr. Aaron Patton, Purdue University Q: I can control creeping charlie in my yard. How can I safely control/stop creeping charlie in the garden? A:I share this never-ending challenge to keep creeping Charlie (also known as ground ivy) out of my garden beds. Creeping Charlie is an herbaceous perennial that spreads by seed as well as horizontal, above-ground stems called stolons or runners. These runners […]
Cover Crops in the Home Garden (HO-324)
Purdue Extension Publication
Cover crops can improve soil quality and benefit the ecosystem. Farmers use cover crops extensively. This publication, by two Purdue University researchers, explains how home gardeners can benefit from the practice. Plant types, planting, termination, and fertilization are discussed.
Mystery leaf identified!
Callery pear leaf and fruit. Q: I would like identification of the two leaf samples enclosed. I think the photo showing just a leaf is a sweetbay magnolia. The other I don’t know. It has some sort of fruit on it and a sample is next to the leaf. Thank you so much! – G.H., Columbus, Indiana A: The photo showing the leaf with a fruit is Callery pear (sometimes called ornamental pear). They used […]
December Garden Calendar
HOME (Indoor plants and activities) Check houseplant leaves for brown, dry edges, which indicates too little relative humidity in the house. Increase humidity by running a humidifier, grouping plants or using pebble trays. Extend the lives of holiday plants such as poinsettias and Christmas cactus by placing them in a cool, brightly lit area that is free from warm or cold drafts. Houseplants may not receive adequate light because days are short and gloomy. Move […]
Get Growing with Purdue Extension
Registration is now CLOSED! Join Purdue Extension Educators for a live “virtual” program on commonly asked about garden topics. This program is designed for those that want to learn a little bit about how plants grow, common garden problems, how to grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers, and how to maintain your trees, shrubs and lawn. Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. – Noon (Eastern Standard Time) January 12 – February 23, 2021 Program Schedule January 12 – How […]
November Garden Calendar
HOME (Indoor plants and activities) As houseplant growth slows, apply less fertilizer and water. If plants are dropping many leaves, move them closer to sunny exposures, such as west- and south-facing windows. Artificial lights may be needed to supplement particularly dark rooms. Pot spring-flowering bulbs with tips exposed to force into bloom indoors. Moisten soil and refrigerate 10 to 13 weeks. Transfer to a cool, sunny location, and allow an additional three to four weeks […]
Pokeweed is on the low end of the toxicity scale
Q: I have a lot of these plants growing in the field near my home. Can you identify this plant for me? And is it poisonous? I have horses and am concerned that this could make them sick. A: This is a very common weed called pokeweed. It is native to much of Eastern North America, including Indiana. All parts of the pokeweed plant are poisonous, especially roots and seeds, but its toxicity is generally […]
Bees, butterflies like turtlehead flowers
Q: I have a question about a perennial in our garden. Can you identify the plant in the attached photos, taken just a few weeks ago? – R.S., Indianapolis Photo provided by R.S., Indianapolis Photo provided by R.S., Indianapolis A: The plant in your photos is the native perennial called turtlehead, known botanically as Chelone. There are a few different species in commerce, including C. lyonii and C. obliqua, both with pink to purplish pink […]