Being creative when choosing containers for your houseplants can add to the decor of a room. Almost any container can be used for potting plants, as long as drainage holes are provided. Plant roots must have some oxygen in order to take up water and nutrients. The roots will suffocate if the soil surrounding them is thoroughly filled with water for extended periods. Once the roots start to rot, the top of the plant may […]
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and many will be searching for a special gift for that special someone. Why not say it with flowers? Nothing conveys your warm valentine feelings like cut flowers, particularly roses. But their elegant beauty fades fast. So, if you’re looking for something that will last a little longer, there are several potted plants that will fit the bill. Cyclamen is made for the occasion with its heart shape, […]
The National Garden Bureau (NGB) has selected sweet corn as the vegetable of honor for the year 2000 and has provided a fascinating history of the plant, as well. The origin of maize&emdash;what Americans call corn&emdash;has been traced to Mexico, with the oldest-known remains dated at 7,000 years old. The oldest corn cob found so far was dated from 5000 B.C. and was still enclosed in its husk. Maize remnants have been found in the […]
Gardeners are often advised that a loamy garden soil is best for just about all plants. But just what is a loamy soil? Soil is composed of many particles of varying sizes. Soil scientists have classified soil particles into three major groups: sand, silt and clay. Sand particles are the largest and tend to hold little water but allow good aeration. Clay particles are very small in size and tend to pack down so that […]
The Perennial Plant Association has selected Scabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’ as its Perennial Plant of the Year for 2000. Members of the association, which is made up primarily of professional plant growers, select a perennial each year in an effort to educate the gardening public and promote planting of perennial flowers. Butterfly Blue is a long-blooming, versatile perennial that adapts well to full sun or light shade. The lavender-blue flower heads reach up to 2 […]
The poinsettia, the most popular holiday plant, is best known as the plant with bright red flowers on a green background. But what most people think of as the flowers are actually colored bracts or leaves, which surround a small, yellowish-green structure that is the true flower. Today’s poinsettia is much improved from the poinsettia of even five years ago, thanks to plant breeders. Although red is still the most popular color, pink-, salmon- and […]
If you’re itching to get outdoors and work on your garden, now is a good time to survey your landscape and decide what needs pruning. But keep in mind that not all plants need to be trimmed. Landscape plants should be pruned to maintain or reduce their size; to remove undesirable growth; to remove dead or damaged branches; and to rejuvenate older plants to produce more vigorous foliage, flowers and fruits. In some cases, pruning […]
Deicing salts can save your neck this winter, but they can spell disaster for landscape plants. Whether the salt is sprayed on the plants from passing traffic near the road or is shoveled onto plants near the sidewalk, the salt can cause damage. Salts can adversely affect plants in several ways. Salts deposited on the surface of twigs, branches, and evergreen leaves can cause excessive drying of foliage and roots. They can be taken up […]
Though your aching back may not agree, recent heavy snows actually will be good for your garden and landscape. Snow provides moisture as well as protection from cold and wind. Snow is an excellent insulator against low temperatures and excessive winds. The extent of protection depends on the depth of snow. Generally, the temperature below the snow increases by about 2 degrees F for each inch of accumulation. In addition, the soil gives off some […]
The Perennial Plant Association has selected Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii “Goldsturm” as its 1999 Perennial Plant of the Year. Members of the association, made up primarily of professional plant growers, each year select a perennial, which is used to educate the gardening public and to promote the planting of perennial flowers. Goldsturm is a popular and reliable perennial that is widely planted throughout the world. Its bright yellow, “black-eyed-Susan” type blooms provide spectacular show from […]
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