Engagement Opportunities

Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee (MaPSAC)
MaPSAC was established in 1988 and serves as a two-way conduit between M/P staff and the administration. As such, MaPSAC serves two distinct constituencies, each with the need to hear the other and to be heard by the other. In its role as an advisory committee, MaPSAC offers M/P staff a mechanism to voice their interests and concerns as they relate to campus affairs.

Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee (CSSAC)
The Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee (CSSAC) was established in 1965 to provide an effective means of communication between the campus support staff and the University administration. Our goal is to improve the University system as a whole through engagement and dialogue, as well as by providing professional and personal development opportunities for campus support staff.

Spring Fling
Spring Fling, created in 1982, is an annual faculty, staff and retiree appreciation day scheduled each year in May. Human Resources, MaPSAC, CSSAC, PURA and others from across campus coordinate a lunch and several activities to participate in.