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Student Enrollment (Recent)

Purdue West Lafayette Data Digest Student Enrollment Data Fall 2008 to present, by School, Department, Major and Program:

This reporting tool uses data pulled from Banner ODS. Note the return of System-Wide data starting Fall 2013, courtesy of the regional campuses

Choose Campus:

Choose Student Level Detail:

Select Race/Ethnicity Detail:
Standard Reporting Groups
Underrepresented Group
Additional Details

Choose Gender, Race/Ethnicity and International Detail:

Choose Residency Detail:

Choose Part/Full time Detail:

Select Variable:
Credit Hours

Display Age Distribution Information?

Select Year(s):
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
Fall 2010
Fall 2011
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
Fall 2014
Fall 2015
Fall 2016
Fall 2017
Fall 2018
Fall 2019
Fall 2020
Fall 2021
Fall 2022
Fall 2023
Fall 2024