Oct. 20 ALCoP to focus on synchronous engagement of students in group experiences
As a university community, we are set up for face-to-face instruction, but how might we engage remote students synchronously in small and large group active learning experiences? The next monthly meeting of Purdue’s Active Learning Community of Practice (ALCoP) on Tuesday, Oct. 20, will feature Nathan Mentzer and Shawn Farrington, coordinators for Tech120, Design Thinking in Technology, a freshman-level course with 700 students each semester divided into small sections of 36. In this session of ALCoP, they will describe a model for bringing students — no matter where they are physically located — together for a synchronous learning experience. This synchronous blending of student experiences was based on feedback from course evaluation and student focus groups.
Note that this active session of ALCoP will model how the class is run, so it will take place on the course team in MS TEAMS; therefore, pre-registration is required for participation.
Instructors and staff interested in the Oct. 20 session or other monthly meetings, or learning more about ALCoP, may go to its website. ALCoP welcomes all Purdue instructors with an interest in using active learning pedagogy.
Questions regarding ALCoP or other resources for instructors may be emailed to InnovativeLearningTeam@purdue.edu.