Nov. 12 ALCoP to focus on students’ identity, motivation, and academic success
Students’ identity and belonging are linked to students’ motivation and are essential for a number of important outcomes including academic success, wellbeing, and retention.
The next monthly meeting of Purdue’s Active Learning Community of Practice (ALCoP) on Thursday, November 12, 2-3 p.m. will feature Dr. Allison Godwin, Associate Professor of Engineering Education. In this session of ALCoP, Dr. Godwin will discuss some of the findings from the psychological and discipline-based education literature. In addition, suggestions for how instructors can support students’ identity, belonging, and motivation in in-person, hybrid, and online courses will be discussed.
Dr. Jennifer Dobbs-Oates, Clinical Associate Professor of Human Development and Family studies, will also join the session for a short talk about the Experiential Education Resources webpage and her role as the Provost’s Fellow for Experiential Education.
There is no charge to register for the WebEx session. Instructors and staff interested in the Nov. 12 session or other monthly meetings, or learning more about ALCoP, may go to its website. ALCoP welcomes all Purdue instructors with an interest in using active learning pedagogy.
Questions regarding ALCoP or other resources for instructors may be emailed to