Course Development
- Initial Planning (1-2 Weeks)
- Course Planning/Design (5 Weeks)
- Course Development (6 Weeks)
- Course Finalization (1 Week)
- Course Review & Revisions (2 Weeks)
- Maintenance Mode (Ongoing)
Initial Planning (1-2 Weeks)
- Develop and agree upon communication plan and project timeline
- Review online course development process
- Roles and responsibilities
- Initial discussion of: current iteration of course design evaluation, learning outcomes, chunking of course materials, course interaction (student-instructor, student-content, student-student) as well as accessibility, alignment of assessments, technologies, common course elements (netiquette guide, accessibility statement, academic integrity, policies, etc.)
- Deliverables
- Deliverable 1.1: Previous syllabus to designer
- Deliverable 1.2: Grant access to previous digital resources/artifacts (if available) to designer
- Current iteration of course analysis/review by designer (using PO-CDD rubric)
Course Planning/Design (5 Weeks)
- Finalize learning outcomes (measurable course level outcomes 3-5)
- Chunking of course content
- Development of specific learning objectives (specific learning outcomes)
- Development of assessment plans (alignment and Bloom’s taxonomy discussed)
- Discussion of course structure and potential technologies to be employed (focusing upon peer-to-peer and learner-to-instructor interactions)
- Video recording plan (and connections to PPTs or other visuals being made accessible)
- Discussion of how to meet accessibility requirements for video and print sources (including captions, reading order, alt tags)
- Identify materials to gather (textbook or open education resource, publisher content, activities, interactions, etc.)
- Design & build one module, revise as needed
- Required readings
- Relevant learning activities
- Supplemental interactions
- Assessment of objectives
- Deliverables
- Deliverable 2.1: Timeline/calendar set, including phase completion, design completion, and course review dates
- Deliverable 2.2: Draft learning outcomes
- Shared resource area developed
- Review of development schedule
- PO-CDD Course Design rubric shared with faculty
Course Development (6 Weeks)
- Design/build all units of instruction in LMS, including:
- Integrate and publish instructor bio, syllabus, course schedule, etc.
- Video Production Process: Submit a Video Project Request Form to get a course/project into the production pipeline. The Purdue Online Manager, Video Production and Media receives Video Project Request submission where it is assessed and assigned to a video production specialist. This person will be the project lead for the duration of the project.
- Pre-production
- The project lead receives background data from the project request form and meeting notes from the Manager, Video Production and Media.
- The project lead communicates with the faculty and the instructional designer regarding:
- Communication standards (email, Basecamp, something else)
- Establish scope and style for videos
- Establish filming schedule
- Establish instructional designer/faculty involvement in review process
- Final delivery method of project files
- Script writing by faculty (if required)
- Production
- Obtaining existing source footage (if any)
- Schedule and film footage
- Editing and review process
- Footage is edited according to established style
- Internal review – 1 or 2 staff or students review edited video for technical errors (visual or audio)
- External review – video sent to faculty for review of content errors
- Approved videos are sent for captions
- Finalized videos are provided to the talent and instructional designer according to final delivery method
- Typically, the instructional designer is not involved in the production process. Regular production updates are provided.
- Post-production
- Project files are archived
- Kaltura links to finalized videos are added to the Basecamp project
- Basecamp project is archived
- Deliverables
- Deliverable 3.1: Course map draft including final learning outcomes; learning objectives; activities and assessments mapped/connected to outcomes and objectives – designer adds course map to Trello
- Deliverable 3.2: Syllabus draft – designer adds course map to Trello
- Deliverable 3.3: Module 1 draft completed, revise as needed
- Initial plan for gathering and developing course content
- Determination of utilization/integration of technology to be used
- Accessibility plan for all print and video sources (captions, reading order, alt tags, etc.)
- Video recording plan (Video Express and/or Camtasia)
- Common course elements chosen and integrated
- Milestone 1 – Triggers Funding Payment 1
Course Finalization (1 Week)
- Create introduction to course
- Create course navigation aid
- Complete course worksheet for review, share with review team
- Deliverables
- Complete course introduction
- Complete course navigation aid
- Deliverable 5.1: Complete course worksheet for review; share with review team by placing in Trello
- Milestone 2 – Triggers Funding Payment 2: Faculty self-review of course design – designer to add review to Trello
Course Review & Revisions (2 Weeks)
- Completion of course review by instructional designer
- Make revisions
- Nominate course parts or whole for CDD Exemplar Commons
- Deliverables
- Deliverable 6A: External Course Review (CDD team)
- Milestone 3 – Triggers Funding Payment 3: Review response/revisions completed (based upon self-review and external review)
Maintenance Mode (Ongoing)
- Course Reflection, Revisit Review after first semester taught
- Identify areas for improvement
- Instructor trained to complete course copy/updates
- Review every 3-5 times taught
- Deliverables
- Design Finalization Part A: Course Reflection, Revisit Review after first semester taught
- Design Finalization Part B: Instructor trained to complete course copy/updates
Questions to Consider:
Course Design
- Consider making content modular and stackable to support rapid program development and bite-sized learning. This strategy will allow you to reuse content in several learning activities in the non-credit and for-credit areas.
- Determine right mix of in-house, externally sourced, and open source content.
- How many of your courses are already approved to be taught online?
- Determine the faculty and staff resources needed for course design and development.
- Will you consider having faculty leads for each course?
- Who will develop instructional content?
- Will you have instructional design support for your faculty developing courses?
- Who will support faculty in the development of online content? (OPM, local resources (EX: college, department), central resources (EX: Purdue Online, ITaP), faculty on their own)
- Will you provide training to instructors new to online teaching?
- What tools will you use in your courses?
- Plan, define, or develop the following course components:
- Introduction to the course/orientation
- Course navigation aid, syllabus, schedule
- Learning outcomes
- Chunking of course materials
- Course interaction (student-instructor, student-content, student-student)
- Readings
- Relevant learning activities
- Assessment of objectives
- Utilize the Quality Matters rubric
- Develop a course assessment plan.
- Will you assess overall program learning through a capstone project, comprehensive exam, etc?
- How will exams be proctored? (no proctor needed, online service (EX: Proctortrack), students are required to visit a testing facility (EX: Sylvan Learning Center), students are required to find their own proctor (EX: librarian, other university), students are required to come to campus)
- Use insights gained from assessment to improve course design and delivery.
- What are the accessibility, copyright, and intellectual property policies faculty will need to follow when developing online courses?
- Ensure adherence to applicable regulatory, legal, and statutory guidelines.
- Enforce codes of conduct and compliance rubrics for all student-facing functions.
- Navigate compliance issues such as facilitating the communication and execution of the Textbook Opt-out regulation for programs that included books and supplies in the student fee.
- Create and refine the report to submit to insurance and PUSH to waive associated requirements.
Technology, Digital Materials & Licensing
- Procure and/or license any externally sourced content.
- Do you need central resources to develop new technologies for program delivery? If so, briefly explain.
- If you are using an OPM or non-standard learning platform, how do you intend to integrate with Purdue’s technology systems?
- Indicate who will provide technology support to the students? (no support, professor/instructor support, local support (EX: college, department), central support (ITaP))
- Indicate which of the follow software students will need.
- Standard software only (EX: Microsoft Office Suite, Google Docs/Sheets/Slides)
- Non-standard software (included in fees/tuition – provided by University // EX: CAD, statistical software)
- Non-standard software (student provides // EX: CAD, statistical software)
- Who will you work with for video production and editing?
- Convert books and reading material to ADA compliant, digital format.
- Do you need central resources to maintain an inclusive program? (EX: closed captioning, alternative written formats)
Who is Involved:
Faculty (Initiator)
TLT (Collaborator)
Purdue Online (Collaborator)
Process Map: