Data Collection, Reporting, & Review
- Decide data to be collected via online registration form.
- If pre/post surveys are desired, these will need to be designed as a collaboration between Purdue Online and faculty. (See Questions to Consider)
- Dashboards will be available and regularly updated and standard reports will be developed to allow for on-demand reporting of registration, revenue, enrollment, completions, CEUs, etc.
- Program review will be conducted on an annual or semi-annual basis in collaboration with faculty. Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness and Purdue Online will utilize data to suggest program improvements.
Questions to Consider:
- Will you collect the following data? If so, how? (career/job data of current students and graduates, student feedback/satisfaction, voluntary drop reasons, applications/admissions)
- What will you gather via the registration form?
- Will you do pre/post surveys?
- MOOCs require both pre/post surveys
- Most other non-credit programs collect post-surveys
- Collaborate with Purdue Online to maintain dashboards and standard reports that will make available real-time registration, enrollment, and financial reports.
- Collaborate with Purdue Online to respond to ad hoc data requests from the provost, the president, Indiana Commission for Higher Education, the Board of Trustees, and others.
- Track reasons for students’ drop-off and withdrawal and generate insights from the data to improve service
- Analyze survey results and adjust online non-credit programs.
- How frequently will you perform a program review? (Every ## of offerings, annually/semi-annually)
- Determine the metrics upon which the program will be evaluated. Consider financial viability and quality of the program.
- Use analytics to identify improvement opportunities as well as departures from long-term trends.
- Consider making changes to your program based on available data.
- Drive continuous improvement through periodic, detailed business reviews with key stakeholders.
Who is Involved:
Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness (Initiator)
Purdue Online (Initiator)
Faculty (Collaborator)
Process Map: