Internal Approvals
Internal Approvals: Internal approvals differ according to the proposed offering. Regardless of the offering, the academic department and/or college reviews/approves the offering following their guidelines. Once an offering is approved by the department/college the following internal approvals take place accordingly:
New courses:
- The Graduate School and the Council review and approve new courses
- The Registrar’s Office adds the courses to the catalog.
New degree:
- The Graduate School and the Council review and approve the new degree
- Purdue Online reviews and approves the proposal once there is a signed letter of agreement
- The Office of the Provost reviews and approves the proposal
- The Board of Trustees reviews and approves proposal
- ICHE approves the proposal.
Adding an online option to an existing graduate degree program:
- The Graduate School reviews and approves the online option
- Purdue Online reviews and approves the proposal once there is a signed letter of agreement
- The Office of the Provost reviews and approves the proposal
- ICHE approves the proposal.
Adding a concentration or adding curriculum to an already approved online degree program:
- Purdue Online reviews and approves the proposal once there is a signed letter of agreement
- The Graduate School reviews and approves the new concentration or additional curriculum.