TLCoP Fall 2024 — Exploring expanding learning environments

During Fall 2024, TLCoP explored opportunities to facilitate, support, innovate, and engage within Purdue’s expanding learning environments. See below for recordings and materials.

Session 3:  Getting the Most Out of Your Teaching Time, Nov. 18
Session recording
This session centered around how Purdue instructors can make the best use of the time they devote to teaching decision making. It featured the following Purdue instructors who are utilizing different strategies, tools, and approaches to ensure that they are making better use of their time to support learning in their accelerated classes.

  • Jennifer Hall, senior lecturer in the Brian Lamb School of Communication and director of COM 114 and COM 217, talked about accelerating those courses from 16-weeks to 8-, 5-, and 4-week sessions.
  • Cara Putnam, clinical associate professor in business law, communications and ethics, and director of the Daniels School’s Brock-Wilson Center for Women in Business, shared her experiences in creating an 8-week course and using a course chatbot.
  • Dan Rudel, academic program manager, in the Department of Sociology, and instructor of SOC 100 Introductory Sociology, talked about his experience teaching in sessions of 16, 8, and 4 weeks. In Purdue’s Winter 2024 session, he is teaching SOC 100. 

Session 2:  Leveraging Technology for Innovative Teaching, Oct. 9
Session recording
Our second session featured Purdue instructors sharing innovative strategies they use to support all learners in Purdue’s expanding learning environments. Presenters included:

  • William Ledbetter, lecturer, Computer and Information Technology, Polytechnic Institute, highlighted his creation of edited video demonstrations of laboratory and lecture sections of his course to supplement student learning.
  • Lakshmy Mohandas, software design lecturer/senior design coordinator in EPICS, College of Engineering, discussed her use of HyFlex modality and the Ed Discussion artificial intelligence bot.
  • David Schwarte and Alex Mason, assistive technology specialists, Purdue University Online Teaching and Learning Technologies, shared accessibility resources for instructors.

Session 1: Exploring teaching, learning opportunities in Purdue’s Strategic Initiatives, Aug. 22
Session recording
During TLCoP’s first session for Fall 2024, we discussed what Purdue’s strategic initiatives might mean in our courses and for Purdue’s teaching community. For example: TLCoP now includes Purdue faculty who are teaching in Indianapolis.

  • What might this mean for students, courses, and/or facilities across our newly extended campus? 
  • How might we redefine our teaching-and-learning community?
  • How can we engage and collaborate in this expanded environment?

TLCoP Spring 2024 — Further conversations on AI & LLM

Session 1: Explore new guidance on AI in Purdue courses and learning environments, Thurs., Jan. 11
Recording of Jan. 11, 2024 session
Session notes
During our first session of spring 2024, a record number of TLCoP attendees discussed the Guidance on the Use of AI in Teaching and Learning released by the Purdue’s Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. Vice Provost Jenna Rickus, Innovation Hub AI Fellow Lindsay Hamm, and others involved in developing the guidance participated. Attendees came prepared with questions, ideas, and examples of how they are sharing their approach to AI with students.

Session 2: PWL instructor-student conversations on incorporating GenAI, Feb. 15
Recording of Feb. 15, 2024 session
Session notes

Our second session of spring 2024 further explored ideas and examples of how some PWL instructors are in conversations with their students about generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). Three panelists shared some of their approaches and strategies for attendees to discuss.
Robin Tanamachi, associate professor, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Andres Bejarnano, assistant professor of practice, Department of Computer Science
-Ethan Dickey, doctoral student, Department of Computer Science

Session 3: Conceptualizing, structuring, managing group work projects, April 29
Recording of April 29, 2024 session
Session notes
Our final session of spring 2024 showcased three instructional approaches to group assignments.
Beatriz Castro, lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences
Kate Zipay, assistant professor in the Organizational Behavior and Human Resources area at the Mitchell E. Daniels School of Business
Lindsay Hamm, assistant teaching professor in the Department of Sociology and the College of Liberal Arts Cornerstone program

TLCoP Fall 2023 — Envisioning AI & LLM in your courses

Session 1: AI/LLM Kick-Off – Envisioning Your Fall Courses Mon., Aug. 14
Recording of Aug. 14, 2023 session
Questions & Answers Google doc
Our first conversation of the fall semester shared a framework to help participants envision the role they want AI/LLM to play in their courses this fall. It was led by Dr. Hamm and included:
-Prompts and processes to help think through the role(s) they want AI to play in courses this fall.
-Chances to hear how Purdue instructors engage in dialog with students about the role AI may play in their learning, as well as ideas for collaboratively determining appropriate uses of AI in their coursework.
-Details about AI resources and workshops available to Purdue West Lafayette instructors this fall.

Session 2: Rethinking discipline-specific outcomes in the age of generative AI, Tues., Sept. 19
Recording of Sept. 19, 2023 session
Questions & Answers Google doc
This session addressed how professionals in various disciplines use AI or LLM and how this affects what students will be expected to know, value, and/or do. The session featured PWL instructors who are already adjusting their course learning outcomes to reflect the new world of AI/LLM.
-Erica Lott, director of Teaching and Learning, Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business
-Ben VanKammen, lecturer, Economics, Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business
-Wanju Huang, clinical associate professor, Learning Design & Technology, College of Education 

Session 3: Reacting to AI in the classroom: Faculty and student perceptions on use of generative AI tools, Thurs., Nov. 2, 2023
Recording of Nov. 2, 2023 session
Questions & Answers Google doc
Lakshmy Mohandas, associate instructional developer researcher at the Center for Instructional Excellence, and her project team shared an update on their Innovation Hub grant to investigate PWL instructor and student perceptions of AI tools such as ChatGPT/GPT. Two students who participated in the study spoke and there was ample discussion. The study seeks to answer the following questions: 
1-How do faculty members from various departments across Purdue perceive and utilize AI tools such as ChatGPT/GPT 3?
2-How do graduate and undergraduate students from different departments across Purdue perceive and use AI tools such as ChatGPT/GPT 3?

Session 4: Teaching in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Fri., Dec. 1, 2023
Recording of Dec. 1, 2023 session
Drs. Daniel S. Schiff and Kaylyn Jackson Schiff presented a framework they developed and have presented to programs such as Cornerstone and during the Purdue System-Wide Virtual Forum on AI on Sept. 21. They explain that educator perceptions of AI often fall somewhere along a spectrum of resistance-adapting-embracing, and outline teaching and learning strategies that address each point.

TLCoP Spring 2023 — Artificial intelligence (AI) tools & teaching writing

During the spring 2023 semester, TLCoP explored the emerging topic of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, particularly as they affect writing instruction at Purdue

Session 1: AI-generated content & writing instruction, Monday, Jan. 23, 2023
Recording of Jan. 23 session
TLCoP’s first session of the semester explored what we knew — so far — about AI writing tools and to shared thoughts about what this may mean for writing instructors and our students. We heard from several people who shared their insights on the subject and addressed our burning questions. This included James Mollison, assistant teaching professor, Cornerstone; Jason Dufair, lead application developer, Purdue Online; Cecilia Mun, visiting instructor, Cornerstone; Rhodes Pinto, assistant teaching professor, Cornerstone, and others.

Session 2: What do AI tools mean for student learningMonday, Feb. 20, 3-4 p.m.
Recording of Feb. 20 session
TLCoP’s second event of the semester further explored how this new technology might affect course learning outcomes, assessment, and activities. It featured the following panel members who shared their own insights and answered attendee questions.
Ed Berger, director of Innovation Hub, and professor of Engineering Education and Mechanical Engineering
-David Glass, managing director of Data Science, Data Mine
Doug Pruim, Clinical Assistant Professor of Management, Mitch Daniels, Jr. School of Business

Session 3: Teaching strategies related to AI & student learning, Monday, April 3, 3-4 p.m.
Recording of April 3 session
TLCoP’s third session on AI explored how some PWL instructors are incorporating this new technology in their courses. A panel of instructors shared their strategies and experiences and attendees shared their own ideas. Panelists included:
Yung-hsiang Lu, professor, Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tatiana Ringenberg, assistant professor, Computer and Information Technology, Polytech Institute
Greg Strimel, associate professor, Technology, Leadership, and Innovation, Polytech Institute 

TLCoP Fall 2022 — Teaching writing across disciplines

During Fall 2022, TLCoP featured topics that explored the unique affordances of teaching writing across a wide range of disciplines at Purdue. All sessions were held on Zoom and recorded.

Session 1: Writing for student engagement, Monday, Sept. 12, 2022
Recording of Sept. 12 session
Our first session focused on how writing can be a catalyst for engaging our learners and promoting critical thinking. Featuring several instructors who purposefully integrate writing to deepen learning—rather than only as a tool for assessment—this session provided a space for participants to engage in open discussion about practices with other instructors across a range of disciplines on campus. Participants shared their intentions for teaching writing in their contexts, how our students experience writing in their courses and future professional endeavors, and practical assessment and activity ideas to help our students achieve course learning goals. The session highlighted Professors David Atkinson, Jennifer Foray, and Charlie Catalano, who shared their perspectives, insights, and practical examples about why and how they strategically use writing to support student engagement and learning in their courses.

Session 2: Writing feedback & assessment, Oct. 24, 2022
Recording of Oct. 24 session
TLCoP Resources and Services to Help with Assessing Writing [Google doc]
TLCoP’s second event of the semester dug into the practical ways that we can assess writing assignments and activities. While writing assignments are often categorized as being too time-intensive to assess well and not scalable for large enrollment courses, there are strategies and approaches for integrating writing into courses, even in classes with a high enrollment. In this session, we heard from Professors Lindsay Hamm (Sociology) and Amy Sheehan (Pharmacy) about their practices and the technologies they leverage for assessing writing assignments. Participants examined some of the challenges associated with assessing writing, explore new approaches based on the insights and practices of other participants, and brainstormed efficient and effective strategies for assessing writing for their contexts.

Session 3: Documenting and Describing Our Teaching Efforts Around Writing, Nov. 21, 2022
Recording of Nov. 21 session
TLCoP’s third event of the semester explored how we can document and communicate the ways we support students’ writing skills through our teaching. Professor and Teaching Academy member, Lindsey Payne, introduced Purdue’s newly adopted Framework for Teaching Excellence. Together, we brainstormed strategies, such as teaching portfolios, for articulating the benefits of our writing instruction on student learning. In this session, participants had opportunities to consider their current practices around documenting and shared out about their teaching efforts, envision where they would like to be in the Teaching Excellence framework, and brainstormed strategies for reaching their goals with other Purdue instructors who are passionate about helping students advance their writing abilities.