Online & Hybrid


This content area aims to increase Purdue instructors’ knowledge, skills, and abilities in both designing and delivering an effective online or hybrid course.


The goal of this content area is to help Purdue West Lafayette instructors identify initial steps for structuring a course and teaching in student-centered online or hybrid learning environments.


After viewing this content area, instructors will be able to:

Select at least one scenario that best identifies your immediate needs for teaching an online or hybrid course.

Complete the foundational checklist for moving from face-to-face to online teaching, including:

  • Ensuring that your course content is ADA-compliant (accessible).
  • Setting up the course in the learning management system (Brightspace) for online or hybrid learning.
  • Preparing to facilitate online.

How do I get my course running quickly?

When we feel pressure as instructors, we often want to complete the biggest portions of the course quickly. We think of our syllabus, assignments, and assessments but often skip on decision points that could make learning more meaningful for our students and more exciting for us to lead.

This Online and Hybrid content area is centered around pedagogy and guiding questions not only for course planning and design, but also for course delivery and teaching. ​​​​​

Choose Your Immediate Focus

At the bottom of the page, you will see three paths with professional development resources for starting your semester.

By clicking on any of the questions below, you will be guided on a learning journey to help you address the question above. At any point, you can return here to the home page for Online and Hybrid courses.

  1. What if you have never taught this course before, regardless of modality? Where can you begin? Urgent Assistance
  2. Is your most pressing challenge learning how to use Brightspace to put it all together? Urgent Assistance
  3. Do you have an existing version of your course in which you are well-versed at teaching in face-to-face environments? If so, we suggest that you begin by exploring Solid Foundations
  4. Have you been teaching in the online or hybrid delivery model for a while and are ready to level up specific features of your course? Deeper Dive