Sloan Equity and Inclusion in STEM Introductory Courses (SEISMIC)

Purdue is one of 10 public research universities that participates in the SEISMIC (Sloan Equity and Inclusion in STEM Introductory Courses) Collaboration. The SEISMIC Collaboration brings together educators, researchers, staff and students to work towards the goal of building equitable and inclusive environments for all students in introductory STEM courses.
SEISMIC takes advantage of efforts already underway on many university campuses, drawing together a close, multifaceted collaboration of STEM reform communities. Participants connect through parallel data analyses and data sharing, coordinated experiments, continuous exchange of speakers and graduate student researchers, and extended annual meetings. All members of Purdue are welcome and encouraged to engage in SEISMIC Collaboration activities.
SEISMIC holds events throughout the year, including talks organized by SEISMIC and SEISMIC institutions. These events are open to anyone. Details and registration are on the SEISMIC events website. Read more updates on The Seeds of SEISMIC Blog. You may also go to the New to SEISMIC webpage for details on how to get involved and sign up for the SEISMIC newsletter.
Interested in participating in SEISMIC? Reach out to Nita Tarchinski, SEISMIC project manager,