March 21, 2019
New Anthem ID cards arriving soon; reduced CHL flat fee for high deductible health plans reflected

Employees soon will receive new Anthem ID cards for themselves and each family member covered on a Purdue medical plan as well as those who opted out of Purdue medical insurance but elected one of the dental plan coverage options. Member ID numbers are not changing.
Updated ID cards reflect the new flat fee of $25 at the Center for Healthy Living for those with Purdue Health Plan plus HSA 1 or Purdue Health Plan plus HSA 2 medical plans. Effective Jan. 1, 2019, the flat fee reduced from $40 to $25 for those plans. The back side of the cards reflect updated contact information. (See sample card image as reference.)
Cards are expected to arrive at home addresses by March 28. Be sure to replace current cards; however, there is no rush to update with medical providers as either card will work for claims.
Contact Human Resources at, HRHelp (secure email) or by phone at 765-494-2222 or toll-free at 877-725-0222 with any questions.