October 6, 2021
Q&A with Brock Turner, Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee chair

Brock Turner took office July 16 as the 2021-22 chair of the Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee. Here, he answers questions from Purdue Today about his plans in leading CSSAC.
How long, and in what positions, have you worked at Purdue?
I started working for Purdue University six years ago, and I have spent all of those six years with a fantastic team as a material expeditor in Procurement Services.
Why did you decide to become involved in CSSAC? In what capacity/on which committees have you served?
I became involved in CSSAC to influence the changes occurring across the University that were impacting me, my family and my colleagues. I realized it is difficult to make changes sitting on the sidelines, so here I am.
Over the past two years on CSSAC, I have served on the following committees: University Senate Advisory Committee, University Senate: Faculty Compensation & Benefits Committee, Protect Purdue Leadership Team, Purdue Equity Task Force, University Policy Committee, Staff Memorial Committee, Big Ten Collaboration on Staff Advocacy, and CSSAC University Relations vice chair.
What did you learn as vice chair or as a committee member that will assist you as chair this year?
I was fortunate to serve as vice chair under a superb CSSAC chair, Sara Mellady. During my time as vice chair, I was able to build connections and increase my understanding of the structure of Purdue University. These connections and increased knowledge have provided me powerful tools to advise leadership and provide pertinent information to help support staff members across Purdue.
What will CSSAC be working on during the upcoming academic year?
CSSAC has adjusted policy and created a new committee start date beginning June 1. We will be laying foundational work to make a smooth transition. The 23 voting members of CSSAC participate on over 20 different committees, task forces, or advisory groups across campus and support four other CSSAC subcommittees. They will be busy in professional development, communication, outreach, policy, and change across the University.
What are your own goals as the chair of CSSAC? What do you hope to have contributed as chair to CSSAC and the University once your term ends?
My personal goals for CSSAC include building a foundation for a smooth transition with our new start date, supporting my subcommittee leaders in accomplishing their goals, building upon the foundation for shared governance and increasing professional development opportunities for support staff employees. I also want to ensure we do not lose sight of recognizing and appreciating our support staff members properly.
If I am lucky enough to accomplish my goals, I will feel that I strongly contributed to CSSAC and the work environment of support staff employees at Purdue University.
What would you like faculty and staff to know about CSSAC?
CSSAC has been around since 1965. Our 23 members come from approximately 3,000 support staff employees across campus and represent our two regional campuses. Our members go above and beyond to be more than just a group advising leadership on potential changes. They create communication content, professional development, organize events and perform campuswide outreach, which is a lot to do considering our members are all still full-time Purdue employees.
How can faculty/staff get involved with CSSAC?
There are many ways to become involved with CSSAC as either faculty or staff. I’ll try to keep it short.
- If you are support staff, apply to become a member in March.
- If you are faculty or M/P and know a strong support staff employee - encourage them to apply.
- If you have questions or suggestions – email me, our executive team, or complete a Bridge Form.
- Ask for a presentation from our University Relations Team.
- Read the Campus Connection newsletter.
- Follow and Like us on Facebook.
- Follow us on Twitter.
Lastly, if you believe you could benefit from the perspective of a support staff employee on campus, reach out to us. We have members who are happy to help influence any potential changes that will be impacting them, their families, and their co-workers.