Agriculture News Archive

March 13, 2017

New video gives lessons on selecting premium hardwoods for veneer industry

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - As part of a new educational video project, Purdue Extension offers essential tips on how to select veneer trees and logs that demand a premium.

The video features Dan Cassens, a professor of wood products at Purdue University, and Greg Hartog of Danzer Americus in Edinburgh, Ind. They give comprehensive details about preferred tree species as well as characteristics, including defects, that are important to the veneer industry.

The advice should be of particular interest to landowners, log brokers, sawmill operators and forestry consultants in Indiana and throughout the hardwood region. Indiana has had a long history of supplying the industry with quality veneer logs and veneer since the early 1900s, Cassens said.

“Indiana has been recognized as providing the industry with very high quality White Oak and Walnut species,” said Cassens, noting that the state earned its well-deserved reputation at the turn of the century. “At the time, those were two of the major species that were extremely popular. Indiana was a central location, which also contributed it to being a leader in the industry.”

In addition to White Oak and Walnut, the video also highlights the qualities of Red Oak, Cherry and Hard Maple. The northeastern regions of the United States and the northern areas of the Great Lake states are recognized for Hard Maple, while Pennsylvania is considered a leading producer of Cherry.

Today, Cassens wants Indiana landowners and log producers to be informed about the characteristics of logs that should be set aside for veneers - which allows them to command a higher price. The video also highlights the veneer-making process.

“It continues to be an important industry,” Cassens said. “If you can grow veneer-quality timber that’s what you should focus on because it returns the most money. One of our top objectives is to educate people on what to look for.” 

The video can be viewed on YouTube at           

Writer: Shari Finnell, 765-494-2722, 

Source: Dan Cassens,

Agricultural Communications: (765) 494-8415;
Shari Finnell, Manager/Media Relations and Public Information,  
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