November 13, 2017
Purdue ranks 4th for international student population at public universities, places 23rd for study abroad

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Purdue University is one of the leading U.S. university destinations for international students, as well as one of the nation's top 25 schools that send American students abroad.
Purdue has the fourth-largest number of international students among U.S. public institutions and is eighth overall among the more than 4,500 public and private institutions, according to a report issued Monday (Nov. 13) by the Institute of International Education. Purdue is ranked the same as last year for both public and overall universities in the 2017 Open Doors report, which is based on the 2016-17 academic year. Purdue moved up to 23rd from 24th in American student participation in study abroad, which is a strategic goal for the university.
Purdue is one of only 14 institutions to be ranked in the top 25 for international student enrollment and study abroad participation.
“In addition to sending more students overseas than ever before, we have also been focused on enhancing the intercultural learning experience of our students while they are abroad,” said Michael Brzezinski, dean of international programs. “During the past year the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR) trained nearly 100 faculty on how to adapt their curriculums to help students increase knowledge of worldview frameworks, develop greater empathy, improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and develop greater emotional resilience. All of these are skills that will help students in careers in the global workforce.”
Purdue had 1,993 credit-bearing domestic students who studied abroad. Previously Purdue was ranked No. 24 with 1,917 domestic students.
Purdue offers scholarships for qualified undergraduate students who participate in a study abroad program as part of Purdue Moves, a range of initiatives designed to broaden Purdue's global impact and enhance educational opportunities for its students. The aspirational goal is for one-third of all undergraduate students to participate in an international study, internship or research credit-bearing experience before graduation.
CILMAR also is facilitating the effort to equip students with the knowledge of how to better utilize the relationship between their study abroad experience and their future career options. Data from programs led by faculty who completed CILMAR-sponsored training reveal that their students demonstrated a higher level of development in self-awareness, empathy, openness and curiosity, four key embedded learning outcomes in the university’s core curriculum.
A new collaboration was established this fall with Sentio Global Education Network, a not-for-profit subsidiary of AFS Intercultural Programs, to help advance the development of global competence among students who participate in study abroad programs. Beginning with the spring 2018 semester, more than 100 Purdue students will use Sentio Global Competence Certificate as a tool to enhance their intercultural experience. Purdue-trained mentors will guide the student learning experience which also includes how to relate a study abroad experience toward career development and opportunities.”
The 2017 Open Doors also reports that Purdue had 11,288 international students, a 6.9 percent increase over the previous year, which was 10,563 international students. This number also includes recent graduates who obtained employment eligibility in the United States and who are still affiliated with the university. This fall, Purdue reported 9,133 international students, an all-time high, from 122 countries.
Among public institutions, Arizona State University, with an international student population of 13,164, the University of Illinois at 12,454 and University of California Los Angeles at 12,199 placed in the top three, respectively. Overall, New York University is No. 1 with 17,326 students. The University of Southern California, Columbia University and Northeastern University - all private institutions - ranked second, third and fourth on the overall list. Purdue is one of eight U.S. institutions to host more than 10,000 international students.
Nationally, the number of international students attending U.S. universities and colleges increased 3 percent to 1.08 million from 1.04 million. This is nearly double from 564,766 in 2005-06. Indiana is a top-10 state for hosting international students. Indiana University is No. 19 overall with 7,502.
These students' spending in all 50 states contributed $39 billion to the 2016 U.S. economy, according to the NAFSA - Association of International Educators. The more than 29,000 international students from abroad studying in Indiana contributed $956.6 million to the state's economy. Purdue international students contributed to more than 30 percent of this total and that also supports more than 4,700 jobs.
The Open Doors report is published in partnership with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and its publication marks the celebration of International Education Week. The Institute of International Education has conducted an annual statistical survey of international students in the United States since its founding in 1919 and in partnership with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs since 1972.
Writer: Amy Patterson Neubert, 765-494-9723,
Sources: Michael Brzezinski, 765-494-9399,
Brian Harley, associate dean of international programs and director of the Office of Programs for Study Abroad,
Christine Collins, director of international student services in the Office of International Students and Scholars, 765-496-3538,