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Lilly Hall custodial staff
Lilly Hall custodial staff: The custodial staff at Lilly plays a pivotal role in maintaining a clean, safe and pleasant environment within our organization. We don’t see them very often, but their dedication to their work has not gone unnoticed. The high standards they consistently uphold have a significant impact on the overall well-being and productivity of our staff and students. They respond quickly and go above and beyond to meet the needs of everyone in the building. Thank you, Mike Royer, Nick Crider, Micah Littlefield, Lori Schill, Kodjo Segbo, Bev Muller, Rachel Adams, Greg Eicher, Zach Scheidt, Michael VanWinkle and John Brown. — Will Werline (Agronomy)
Stephanie Arnett, Steph Butram and Kayla Smith
Stephanie Arnett, Steph Butram and Kayla Smith (all College of Pharmacy): Thank you for planning the Pharmacy career fairs! They were both amazing events. — Katie May (College of Pharmacy)
Erin VanEmon and Elizabeth Klumpe
Erin VanEmon (College of Liberal Arts) and Elizabeth Klumpe (College of Pharmacy): Thank you for planning the white coat ceremony! The event was really great! — Katie May (College of Pharmacy)
Miranda Baer
Miranda Baer (Biological Sciences): Thank you for your help with looking at a minor for a student! I really appreciate it. — Katie May (College of Pharmacy)
Alan Jeffries
Alan Jeffries (Operations and Maintenance): Thank you to Alan for helping with the electrical logistics for the Purdue United Way kickoff! Alan stepped up and helped out, and his willingness to go above and beyond is greatly appreciated! — Lisa Duncan (Office of Engagement)
Kim Jamriska
Kim Jamriska (Recreation and Wellness): There are not enough thank yous that can be given to Kim and her team at the Co-Rec. Any time we have an event over in their space, I know I don’t have to worry about setup or teardown. They are always available for last-minute changes, and they make it so easy. Our events would not be successful without all of their support! — Missy Gulick (Student Life)
JJ Smith
JJ Smith (Engineering IT): JJ recovered a very important document for Mechanical Engineering Undergrad Advising and was truly a hero to our staff! Thank you, JJ, for your professionalism and swift resolution! Not all heroes wear capes. — LouAnna Eichrodt (Mechanical Engineering)
Amanda Barnett, Lily Krest and Chelsi McAnelly
Amanda Barnett, Lily Krest and Chelsi McAnelly (all Mechanical Engineering): Thank you so much for your help on a special project! — LouAnna Eichrodt (Mechanical Engineering)
Stephen Stewart
Stephen Stewart (College of Engineering): Thank you so much for your help this semester. I know you’re doing a lot of things right now, and I just want you to know I see you and appreciate you. — LouAnna Eichrodt (Mechanical Engineering)