2024 Martin Luther King Jr. Dreamer Award recipients

The Engineering Fountain on the Purdue University campus.

The Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance is pleased to announce recipients of Purdue’s 2024 Dreamer Award, which has been presented annually since 2004 to individuals or organizations within the Purdue community whose contributions embody Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of service to others and further the university’s commitment to diversity.

This year’s recipients are:

Gisele M. Casanova

Interim department chair, psychology

Purdue Northwest

Cyndi D. Lynch

Senior program manager, vertically integrated projects

College of Engineering

Purdue West Lafayette 

Rosalee A. Clawson

Professor of political science

College of Liberal Arts

Purdue West Lafayette

Patricia Morita-Mullaney

Associate professor of literacy and language

College of Education

Purdue West Lafayette 

Recipients will be recognized at a reception from 3-5 p.m. ET on Tuesday (Jan. 16) in the Purdue Memorial Union’s West Faculty Lounge. Individuals wishing to attend are encouraged to RSVP.

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