Purdue Student Government encourages faculty use of revised Student Code of Honor

October 20, 2010

Purdue Student Government is offering a revised version of the Student Code of Honor for students to adopt and faculty to include in course syllabi.

Brad Krites, PSG president, says modifications to the Student Code of Honor, which are endorsed by the University Senate, were made to reaffirm its message and modernize its outdated language.

“As with any policy or practice, if it remains unvisited, it is easy for the message to become antiquated and stale,” Krites says. “We also felt that a Student Code of Honor ought to be drafted by the students themselves. The goal was to provide a level of peer-to-peer accountability and to pledge to uphold the values of the University.”

The process that began last year built a strong working partnership between PSG and the University Senate. Thomas Templin, professor of health and kinesiology and chairperson of the Student Affairs Committee of the University Senate, worked with then-PSG chair of student affairs committee, Peter Kim, on revisions and introduced the Code of Honor to the Senate.

Templin says, “It was a delight to work with PSG. Kim, who was the leader of this initiative, studied peer institutions and crafted a Code of Honor that was easy for the Senate to endorse.”

Joan Fulton, professor of agricultural economics and chairperson of the University Senate, says, “Academic honesty is critical at every level of the University. I commend the Purdue Student Government for taking initiative to revise the University’s honor code. This is a real testament to how serious our students are about integrity.”

PSG and the University Senate urge all faculty members to include the revised Student Code of Honor in their course syllabi for the upcoming semester.

The modified Student Code of Honor:

“The purpose of the Purdue University academic community is to discover and disseminate truth. In order to achieve these goals, the university commits itself towards maintaining a culture of academic integrity and honesty. For this to be possible, self-discipline and a strong desire to benefit others must be present within each individual. Therefore, we students must follow the Regulations Governing Student Conduct of Purdue University out of a sense of mutual respect, rather than out of fear of the consequences of their violation.”

This revised version of the Student Code of Honor has not replaced the Student Code of Honor found in University Regulations under Student Conduct.