New CSSAC chair stresses communication with decision makers, constituents
August 28, 2013
Cheryl Files, a clerk in the Office of the Bursar, becomes chair of the Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee on Sept. 9. (Purdue University photo/Mark Simons) |
Making sure campus leaders hear the concerns of clerical and service staff is one of Cheryl Files' top goals.
Files, a clerk in the Office of the Bursar, becomes chair of the Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee on Sept. 9.
"With all the changes at Purdue the past few years, clerical and service staff employees need someone who can speak on their behalf to the decision makers," she says. "When decisions are being made that will affect the morale and pocketbooks of employees, CSSAC members ensure that staff concerns are heard and are being considered."
Communication to employees is another priority for Files.
"We have to make sure that the clerical and staff employees are well-informed of all decisions that can directly affect them," she says. "We need to maintain open communication lines and see that staff concerns will always be taken seriously and answered in a timely manner. CSSAC's role is to listen to clerical and service staff's ideas and problems and to bring those concerns to the appropriate leadership for discussion and answers.
"I would also like to see CSSAC continue to help support the University mission and to offer great trips through our PEAP subcommittee at an affordable price for all and in getting discounts at local retailers."
When she came to work at Purdue in 2007, Files decided to return to the classroom. She earned her bachelor's degree in business management in 2011 and is now working on a master's degree in the College of Technology.
She became interested in CSSAC from a previous chair, Maggie Grogan.
"I heard about CSSAC from her, became interested in it and learned more about the good it is doing and decided I wanted to be an advocate for the clerical and service staff employees," she says.
Her time on CSSAC has exceeded the usual three-year term.
"I started in December 2009, taking over for Kelly High, who was the District II representative at the time," Files says. "Kelly was due to finish her term in 2011. In 2011, when that term ended, the CSSAC chair and co-chair at the time asked me if I would like to stay on and start a new three-year term and I happily accepted."
The recently established CSSAC Excellence Award is among the accomplishments Files is most proud of during her time with the group.
"There actually will be two awards, one for a clerical staff employee and one for a service staff employee. It is the first to recognize the efforts and hard work of one individual from the clerical and one individual from the service staff area," she says. "The award comes with $1,500 (subject to tax withholding) and a nice plaque.
"I also am proud of the staff memorial that we hold each year that recognizes all those lost to us in the previous year and that we have CSSAC members sitting on several University committees providing input and feedback. Our presence on those committees has had a positive impact on the decision making that directly affects clerical and service staff employees."
Files is eager to help lead CSSAC.
"I am excited about this opportunity and the upcoming year," she says. "I look forward to serving as the next chair of CSSAC, and I will work hard so our voices are heard. I am excited to see what the next year brings. This is a new role for me, and I will do my best to serve the clerical and service staff and the University."
Writer: Greg McClure, 49-69711,