Road closures planned during Boilermaker Half-Marathon

October 17, 2014  

Purdue police advise motorists to avoid the West Lafayette campus if at all possible from 8 a.m. to noon this Saturday (Oct. 18) due to the Purdue Boilermaker Half-Marathon.

The event will involve a half-marathon, whose route is detailed here, and a companion 5K, whose route is detailed here. In the route areas during the event, all traffic will encounter long delays while runners complete the races. Further, motorists should exercise caution around all runners, cheer teams, musicians and spectators who attend the event.

With the exception of McCutcheon Drive, all roads leading into campus from State Street will be closed, says Purdue police Lt. Keene Red Elk. Grant Street north of State Street will remain open, but drivers should anticipate long delays as runners cross at North Street onto the main campus.

Additionally, Stadium Avenue will be closed from Northwestern Avenue to McCormick Road, and all of Steven Beering Drive and John R. Wooden Drive will be closed, Red Elk says.

Westbound Cherry Lane will undergo a brief closure at the beginning of the race until all runners make it onto McCormick Road. Eastbound Cherry Lane will undergo a lengthier closure toward the end of the race while runners make their way onto the half-marathon's final leg from McCormick to the north stadium parking lot.

CityBus buses will be running during the event, but they will be taking major detours. Passengers should expect limited or delayed service.

Descriptions of the detours are available on the CityBus website.

For more information about the Purdue Boilermaker Half-Marathon, visit its website

Writer: Amanda Hamon Kunz, 49-61325,

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