Q and A with Joy May, APSAC chair

September 30, 2015  

Joy May

Joy May, APSAC chair and operations supervisor in the Office of the Bursar. (Purdue University photo/Mark Simons)
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Joy May, operations supervisor in the Office of the Bursar, is serving as chair of the Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee through May 2016. Here, May answers questions about her service with APSAC and goals for the group in the coming year.

When did you join APSAC? In what capacity/on which committees have you served?

I was actually a late addition to the 2014 APSAC cohort and joined during the month of July. I began my time with APSAC on the Membership and Communications subcommittee and moved to the Compensation & Benefits subcommittee soon after to serve as the vice chair of that subcommittee. After my first year, I began my year as chair of the subcommittee until the opportunity of the vice chair of APSAC became available.

Why did you decide to pursue the position of APSAC chair?

I had initially turned down the opportunity to become the vice chair and, in turn, the chair of the whole committee because I was expecting my second child and thought I would not have the time to pursue the goals I envisioned. When the vice chair position became available due to changes in the current vice chair’s circumstances, the timing was much more realistic, and I seized the opportunity. There were a lot of changes happening at the time, but I saw it as an opportunity for APSAC to make some positive contributions.

What did you learn as vice chair that will assist you as chair this year?

I was actually in the vice chair position for fairly a short time, so my learning opportunity was brief. In that short time, I was able to sit in on a University Senate meeting and work with the chair of the committee on some last-minute transfer items, which provided a steppingstone to the work ahead.  It helped me determine some of the items I would like to pursue in my time as APSAC chair.

What is on the horizon for APSAC for 2015-16?

APSAC’s primary mission is to serve as a two-way channel between administrative and professional staff at Purdue and the University administration, and we are always trying to improve our performance in that role. As such, we are aiming to provide more transparency about the ways decisions pertaining to staff are made, and encourage more constructive conversations about things like benefits, pay, and the many ways in which staff contribute to Purdue’s dual mission of teaching and research. 

What are your own goals as chair?

My working goals for the 2015-16 year are:

* Continue to build a strong relationship with administration to further enhance APSAC’s presence and communication platforms.

* Explore the opportunity to become a voting body on important University business.

* Facilitate more transparency and engagement between the administration and staff.

* Continue to develop and document sustainable processes to ensure forward progress with member rollover.

* Develop ways to inspire APSAC members and their colleagues to take a more active role in leading positive change across the University.

* Help expand opportunities for professional development.

What do you hope to have contributed as chair to APSAC and the University once your term ends?

I hope that my time as APSAC chair continues to help forge transparency about changes at Purdue. I have been working closely with key administration staff members in an effort to break down any barriers that may be preventing open communication.  I appreciate what APSAC stands for, and I hope that our efforts continue to strengthen its presence and raise the organization’s profile.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I have always looked for opportunities to expand my experience and knowledge of the University. I have been through the Accomplished Clerical Excellence class and served on APSAC early in my Purdue career. I have taken many of the classes offered through HR and also gone through Green Belt Six Sigma training. As a fellow staff member, I encourage you to take part in any professional development activities you can and become involved anywhere you see fit. Sometimes it just takes one person to make an important change. 

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