June 22, 2017
Purdue leads Indiana in 2017 RecycleMania results
Following the two-month RecycleMania contest, Purdue topped many categories in the state of Indiana and performed well overall.
RecycleMania, which ran Feb. 5 to April 1, is a contest that includes higher education institutions from across the U.S. and Canada. The participating institutions report the amount of materials recycled and sent to the landfill each week. From this data, the diversion rate of recyclable materials prevented from entering a landfill is calculated.
Purdue final rankings in the contest were as follows:
* 11th out of 214 institutions and first in Indiana in the Total Recycling category.
* 12th out of 39 institutions and first in Indiana in the Electronics category.
* 63rd out of 245 institutions and second in Indiana in the Per Capita category.
* 63rd out of 190 institutions and second in Indiana in the Diversion category.
* 72nd out of 135 institutions and third in Indiana in the Waste Minimization category.
* 86th out of 133 institutions and first in Indiana in the Organics category.
Additionally, Purdue Dining was named the winner of the Waste Minimization category for the 2017 RecycleMania Case Study Competition.
More information about RecycleMania, including complete results, may be found at www.recyclemaniacs.org.