October 11, 2017
Purdue staff development program recognizes 2017 graduates, welcomes incoming class of 2019

The Council for Manager Development program graduated eight University managers this fall. These managers came from various areas across campus and were recognized for completion of this two-year program. The program also welcomed six new members with an expected 2019 graduation date. The CMD program is a professional development experience for managers who report up through key executives of the University.
This year marks a milestone for the CMD program. The 2017 graduates are the first to complete the new CMD curriculum. A few highlights of their accomplishments during the past two years include:
* Presenting project work on the topic of "Bridging the Gap: Software Training and Development for Purdue Students," a project supporting a key initiative outlined in the Action Plan for Digital Education (AP4DE), setting the stage for Lynda.com to be offered to students across the University.
* Completing Individual Six Sigma projects that produced cost savings and generated increased effectiveness within their individual units.

* Leading a Six Sigma project for the Transform Purdue initiative.
* Individual completion of a comprehensive leadership potential assessment that produced career-specific developmental objectives.
* Being mentored and coached by a Purdue senior leader.
* Successful completion of at least one job rotation and one job shadow experience. One CMD member visited China for two weeks as part of a job shadow/job rotation experience.
Of the eight CMD members in this cohort, three have received promotions during this two-year period. Additionally, four CMD members’ jobs were expanded during this two-year period.
“We could not have selected a better class to help us elevate the CMD experience,” said Denny Darrow, vice president for human resources, during the CMD graduation and welcome ceremony.
The CMD class of 2019, composed of six new members, was welcomed during this event. CMD looks forward to partnering with this new cohort of managers while continuing to support the development of the current managers from the CMD class of 2018, says Charlyce Patterson, senior talent management specialist in leadership and organizational development.
Entry into the CMD program is via a competitive nomination and application process. The treasurer and chief financial officer sponsors CMD. For more information about the program, contact Patterson at cpatter@purdue.edu.