April 27, 2018
Exceptional Early Career Award: Becky Walters

In recognition of outstanding undergraduate teaching, two professors recently received the 2018 Exceptional Early Career Award. This Q&A focuses on award recipient Becky Walters, clinical assistant professor in the School of Nursing.
Years at Purdue: 7
Teaching interests: I currently teach didactic, clinical and simulation-based courses in adult health, including medical-surgical nursing and care of clients with complex health problems.
Goals as a professor: As a Purdue alumna, I have had so many great professors. Early on, however, it was my high school chemistry teacher, Mr. Ralston, who motivated me to teach. The art of teaching is about inspiring others and creating opportunities for discovery. I aspire to be a professor that instills passion, empowers students to think critically, influences lifelong learning and contributes positive changes to patient care, society and the nursing profession.
On changes in nursing education: All educators are challenged to create meaningful learning experiences that make information stick. In nursing, health care advances and lifestyle choices result in sicker, more complex patients across all care settings. Our students must be prepared to retrieve knowledge in order to provide lifesaving and evidence-based care in a high reliability organization that is inundated with technology and new reimbursement models linking payment to safe, quality outcomes.
On how classroom simulations benefit nursing students: Nursing education has adopted simulation from our colleagues in space flight. Simulations make the classroom more student-centered. In nursing, this active learning technique fosters student engagement, enhances student confidence and provides hands-on learning in a safe training environment where students can learn without fear of making mistakes. This type of environment encourages students to explore ideas and apply new knowledge.
On the importance of focusing on quality improvement: Nurses are consistently ranked as the most trusted profession by the public. One of the reasons for this privileged position is that nurses are on the front line advocating for patient care quality and safety. Purdue nurses are trained in systematic, quality improvement processes to ensure that patients get the best care, most efficiently and cost effectively. Our students have been fortunate to collaborate with community partners to lead policy changes, implement staff training, provide patient teaching tools and other novel ideas. More than a hundred QI projects have been completed on a wide variety of topics, and many of these projects have been disseminated hospital-wide and at national conferences.
What Walters enjoys most about teaching: Working as a family nurse practitioner, I have the pleasure of functioning in a dual teacher-clinician role. I enjoy creating personal connections with students in an environment that is dynamic, interactive and student-centered, whether the learning occurs in a classroom, laboratory, hospital or clinic setting. The most satisfying experiences in teaching are seeing the ah-ha moment and the excitement for learning, as well as helping students discover their passion, purpose and potential.
Thoughts on being nominated and selected to receive this award: I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this award. I love what I do and am privileged to work with outstanding students, teachers and staff on this campus that are also deserving of recognition.
What her students say: Professor Walters is the kind of teacher that inspires. She earnestly wants us to learn and goes above and beyond to teach. She provides interactive exercises, visual aids and group work to appeal to all learners. It is the heart behind her teaching that makes her truly great. … She always takes the time to explain things, encourage when spirits are low and challenge our thinking. She is beyond a doubt the best instructor that I have had.
Writer: Olivia Crouse, ocrouse@purdue.edu