April 18, 2018
Reception held for students with artwork on display at Westwood

President Mitch Daniels recognized more than 50 student artists whose work has been selected to be displayed at Westwood, the Purdue presidential residence, during a reception on Tuesday (April 17).
Student artwork has been shown at Westwood since 2000 as part of a semiannual juried art competition that takes place in September and February. The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students, and the artwork is chosen by Anthony Cawdron, Westwood event coordinator and house manager. The artwork on display changes at spring and fall breaks.
The reception was being held for the student artists and their friends and family.
Students whose work was displayed fall 2017 to spring 2018 are:
* Jon Beldner, industrial design.
* Nicolas Bergonzoli, computational finance.
* Zihao Chen, electrical engineering.
* Elizabeth Coleman, visual communications design.
* Alexandra Davis, visual communications design.
* Qiuyue Du, landscape architecture.
* Daniel Ellrich, visual communications design.
* Reed Fansler, industrial design.
* Julianna Flick, visual communications design.
* Carter Gerard, industrial design.
* Ben Gromosky, industrial design.
* Anastasya Halsema, fine arts.
* Alex He.
* I-Lun Huang, photography MFA.
* Yuting Huang, landscape architecture.
* Hoi-Jin Jung, printmaking MFA.
* Zekai Li, industrial design.
* David Marchese, industrial design MFA.
* Jessica McDaniel, fine arts and art history.
* Luke McGregor, visual communications design.
* Rowan Kelsey McNemara Dell-deRonde, robotic engineering technology.
* Harry McSteen, industrial design.
* John Monroe, industrial design.
* Sarah Motley, studio arts and technology.
* Sarah Niehaus, industrial design.
* Hayley Osborn, art history.
* Mason Parks, industrial design.
* Sara Poer, photography MFA.
* Kristi Reeves, art education.
* Sydney Smith, industrial design.
* Garrett Son, industrial design.
* Joel Walker, industrial design.
* Genesee Winger, studio arts and technology.
* Tessa Wojkovich, visual communications design.
* Yansi Wu, visual communications design.
Students whose work will be displayed spring 2018 to fall 2018 are:
* Alison Burkett, industrial design.
* Avery Jackson, industrial design.
* Carolyn Quick, industrial design.
* Cassandra Crawford, interior design.
* Darren Kessler, visual communication design.
* Devan Williams, studio arts and technology.
* Drew Dienhart, interior design.
* Emmaline Terry, communication.
* Hoi-Jin Jung, printmaking MFA.
* Jenna Maynard, art education.
* Jesse Palma, industrial design.
* Jessica Atkinson, industrial design.
* Jessica McDaniel, fine arts and art history.
* Katie Alexander, medical laboratory science.
* Kexing He, studio arts and technology.
* Lillian Mitchell, visual communication design.
* Mary Malyka Abramson, industrial design.
* Molly Branz, visual communication design.
* Rachel Wells, visual communication design.
* Yansi Wu, visual communication design.