August 23, 2018
APSAC chair Q&A: Brittany Vale

Brittany Vale took office June 1 as the 2018-19 chair of the Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee. She is health information administrator at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Her seat on APSAC is as a representative of the College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service and College of Veterinary Medicine. Here, she answers questions from Purdue Today about her perspectives and plans in leading APSAC.
How long, and in what positions, have you worked at Purdue?
I started Purdue in 2010 as a coder in the Medical Records Department at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital -- left in 2014 for a year, then came back to the same department as the director.
Why did you decide to become involved in APSAC? In what capacity/on which committees have you served?
I joined APSAC because I wanted to know more about campus and how it operates. My first year on APSAC I served as the Membership and Communications subcommittee vice chair then was elected vice chair of the full APSAC committee my second year. I have been on the University Senate committee, Executive Committee for APSAC and subcommittee for Membership and Communications.
What did you learn as vice chair or as a committee member that will assist you as chair this year?
While working with Loran Parker last year, I learned more about strategic planning and more about how the campus operates. Loran is a great communicator, and I am hoping to use some of the skills she taught me during this year.
What will APSAC be working on during the upcoming academic year?
Our main project for this year is to help with the communication planning for the last few pieces of the HCM plan. This Human Capital Management transformation will affect all Purdue employees in some way. APSAC’s goal is to ensure that employees know what will be changing and where to get more information about this process.
What are your own goals as the chair of APSAC? What do you hope to have contributed as chair to APSAC and the University once your term ends?’
I have two main goals for my term as APSAC chair:
1. Help assist with the HCM communication rollout, ensuring that employees know where to find the correct information.
2. Make APSAC and its work more known on campus. We are a resource for A/P staff, but I feel most don’t know what we do.
What would you like faculty and staff to know about APSAC?
We are here for you. If you have questions or issues, please reach out to us. And that we offer so many great benefits to staff, i.e., resource fair, professional development opportunities, benefits guidance, and so much more!
How can faculty/staff get involved with APSAC?
Check out our website at You will find copies of the monthly Sentinel, any upcoming events, awards and grant information, membership applications and a complete list of all the APSAC members both on the West Lafayette campus and at the regional campuses.
We hold our membership drives every spring. If you’re interested in being a member of APSAC, check out our website to learn more about the responsibilities and when you can submit your application.