October 28, 2019

Discovery Park announces DURI projects for Spring 2020; applications being accepted

Discovery Park has posted new research projects for the Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship’s spring 2020 session. Undergraduates can see the current list of DURI projects and apply for the spring session at the DURI website.

The student application deadline is Nov. 11. Faculty project supervisors will review all eligible student applications before making final selections. Students will be notified of their acceptance after that date -- ideally, by Nov. 25.

During the spring, student teams will be responsible for pursuing their research projects, culminating with a poster presentation and one-page abstract/summary of their results. Assuming all requirements are met, each participating student will earn a $1,000 spring semester fellowship from the DURI program.

The DURI program provides opportunities for undergraduate students to work with researchers affiliated with Discovery Park on cutting-edge research on challenges in the areas of global security, health, and sustainability. In these projects, solutions will be researched by combining faculty and students with two or more distinct disciplinary strengths.

For more information, email duristudent@purdue.edu.

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