November 11, 2019
Joe Barry Carroll to discuss his NBA career, art, life

Joe Barry Carroll, former Purdue basketball All-American, will present “My View From Seven Feet” at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday (Nov. 13) in Honors College and Residences North, Honors Hall, as part of that college’s Visiting Scholar Series.
There is no cost to attend, but registration here by Nov. 12 is required.
Carroll graduated from the Krannert School of Management with a degree in economics, and then was selected as the first overall NBA draft pick in 1980. Carroll now focuses on art and writing, using those media to share his thoughts on philanthropy, relationships, basketball, wealth management and self-expression.
Carroll has an exhibition titled “My View from Seven Feet: Paintings by Joe Barry Carroll” at the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette through Dec. 1. The exhibition is presented by the museum and Purdue’s Black Cultural Center. Hours at the museum, 102 S. 10th St., Lafayette, are 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. daily except major holidays. Admission is free.
Wednesday’s talk is presented by the Honors College and Black Cultural Center.
Writer: Kelsey Schnieders Lefever,
Source: Logan Judy,