February 25, 2020
Fidelity online workshops available for America Saves Week
America Saves Week, Feb. 24-29, provides an occasion to emphasize savings and financial planning to do well today and in retirement. To assist in this, Fidelity, Purdue’s retirement partner, is offering an array of free online workshops.
Workshops have focuses such as getting started, organizing, budgeting, saving, paying for college, maximizing Social Security, investing for retirement and preparing for health care costs in retirement.
Workshops are offered at other times also, but America Saves Week is a time to concentrate on taking steps forward in financial wellness.
To register, go to https://netbenefits.fidelity.com/livewebmeetings and log in with your Fidelity user name and password. On that page, select “View events now” to enter the workshop registration system, then click “Continue” to view the workshop schedule including links to sign up for individual workshops. Clicking on a workshop name calls up information about its content, purpose and intended audience.
Workshops are one hour long, and they occur on weekdays during daytime work hours. Quite a few are at noon-1 p.m.
For more about America Saves Week, visit https://americasaves.org/for-savers.
To make an appointment to see a Fidelity representative, go to https://nb.fidelity.com/public/nb/purdue/contactus/schedule-a-meeting or call 800-642-7131. The Fidelity Investor Center is located in Purdue Memorial Union on the West Lafayette campus. Regional employees also can schedule to meet with a Fidelity representative on specific days and times on their respective campuses by using the same link and number listed above.