March 13, 2020

Purdue researchers named Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network Triplet Awardees

Two Purdue researchers have been selected as Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network (QISE-NET) Triplet Awardees. The “triplets” – a combination of a university principal investigator, an industrial or national laboratory mentor, and a graduate student – come from a variety of disciplines relevant to advancing the development of quantum technologies such as materials science, chemistry, device engineering, physics, computer science and industrial research.

Andrew Weiner, the Scifres Family Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, will serve as the university PI while Navin Lingaraju contributes as a graduate student. The third member will be Joseph Lukens of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who will be the national laboratory mentor. Lukens earned his PhD from Purdue in electrical and computer engineering in 2015.

Prospective candidates were required to submit a short and focused proposal that represents leading-edge research topics in quantum information science/engineering with potential for growth and follow-on work between the student, company or national laboratory and academic groups.

“This proposal, which focused on developing integrated photonic nodes for hybrid classical/quantum networks, was developed in consultation with Professor Weiner and Dr. Lukens and benefited from my exposure to new developments in quantum science through seminars and workshops, like those organized by the Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute (PQSEI),” Lingaraju says. “This proposal builds on fantastic work and support from Purdue and PQSEI colleagues and our collaborators.” PQSEI, in Discovery Park, fosters the development of practical and impactful aspects of quantum science.

The primary motivation for the QISE-NET initiative is the missing quantum pipeline: The U.S. is currently not educating sufficient numbers of students with the knowledge, understanding and expertise in multiple convergent fields to serve the second quantum revolution. The secondary motivation arises from the need to increase convergent academia-industry and academia-national laboratory interactions to advance the technological goals of the National Science Foundation’s Quantum Leap Initiative.

Through cross-sector sharing and leveraging of facilities, expertise, and scientific and technical challenges, QISE-NET will provide a unique, critically needed student experience in quantum science. Students are the primary recipients of support, working within a focused academic-industry and academia-national laboratory collaboration which includes thesis development, specific research goals, extended visits at the industrial partner’s site, and network-level mentoring opportunities.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for Navin to obtain diverse, world-class training in quantum science and engineering,” Weiner says. “This builds upon Purdue’s commitment to meet the workforce needs of a growing quantum industry, while also strengthening our partnerships with national laboratories like Oak Ridge.”

Sources: Andrew Weiner,   
Joseph Lukens,

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